Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Interesting Names

Stephen had an Idaho geography assignment for his homework this week that was kind of fun. So we thought we'd see how you could do with a few of them. It's called Interesting Names. These are the instructions: Can you discover the city or town from the clues? Use an Idaho road map to help you with the names.

1. Found in the sky at night:
2. Our state - tumbling down:
3. President during the Civil War:
4. To squat down low:
5. The bill collector says you must:
6. Same as the capital of France:
7. To give thanks before a meal:
8. The winner of a race is the:
9. A storage place for dishes:
10. What the baseball coach says to the outfielders:

We could not figure out that last one. So Stephen called our wonderful neighbor, Mr. Kleffner to see if he could figure it out. He thought about for maybe 30 seconds and had it. Stephen turned the paper in the next day and found out that only he and one other girl got the answer to that last question. When he got home from school Mr. Kleffner was just coming home as well and Stephen went running over to tell him the good news. We are so thankful to have such sweet and smart neighbors!

Scroll down to see the answers.

1. Star
2. Idaho Falls
3. Lincoln
4. Crouch
5. Payette
6. Paris
7. Grace
8. Victor
9. Cabinet
10. Ketchum
How did you do?


Joseph and Mary + Seven said...

That was fun! I got most of them, but in my defense, I'm running on very little sleep. I'm not even sure what all my kids names are at this point!

Jim said...

I recall taking a "Field Biology" class after I left the Air Force. We had to travel a long ways and the half-way spot was the tiny town of Shoup. There was a Campbell's commercial back then in which kids kept saying, "Is it soup yet?" So, naturally, all the college kids on the bus kept shouting, "Is it Shoup yet?"

Heidi said...

That was really fun, Aimee. Thanks for sharing!

Rachel and Tyler said...

Sure wish Andrew's geography assignments were that interesting. We were just given a list of prominent sites in the state and told to MEMORIZE. That last one was sure a stumper! I guess you have to be a baseball fan...