Anne turned 8 on May 18th of 2010! She was very excited to turn 8 and had been looking forward to it for a very long time. We had a nice family celebration the night of her birthday. She asked for a doll cake and I tried my best. Anne helped me decorate it and was very happy with the way it turned out.

Since Annie turned 8 this year she got to have a birthday party with friends as well. (Sadly, I didn't take any pictures...but I can tell you all about it.) She had her party on Saturday the 22nd of May. James took Stephen, Naomi, and Noah up to Moscow Mountain for the day. Including Annie and Ellen there were 11 girls at the party. It was quite exciting! First the girls played a few games. Then each painted their own flower pot, filled it with dirt and planted some Thumbelina Zinnia seeds. After the pots were all finished and sitting out on the deck, the girls enjoyed a light lunch. Next, Annie opened her gifts then everyone came back to the table for some ice cream cake. And then everyone went home. Anne was very happy to have finally had a "real" birthday party and had a very good time.
12 things we love about Annie at age 8:
1. Anne loves playing the piano and does not complain when asked to practice. Actually she complains that she doesn't get enough time to practice!
2. Her hair is getting quite long and she prefers to wear it in two braids or two pigtails.
3. She would rather read than watch a movie.
4. Annie LOVES to go down the really BIG slides at the aquatic center.
5. Anne has learned how to use my sewing machine and really likes to sew.
6. She sings to Ellen and Naomi at night when they have a hard time going to sleep.
7. She really enjoys riding her bike and is also good at jumping on her pogo stick.
8. Anne would rather take a spider (or any other kind of bug found in the house) outside than kill it.
9. She loves to walk through the woods with her Dad. Especially when they go off the path to explore or look for antlers.
10. She faithfully reads the Book of Mormon every night.
11. She is not a fan of automobiles. She would rather we used horses to get around.
12. Anne loves old fashioned styles of clothing and often wishes she could dress like the pioneers did.