Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lynsey and Joseph

When I came home from Minnesota Lynsey and Joseph (my sister-in-law and nephew) came home with me!  We had a long day of traveling (three separate flights) and we didn't get home till about 11pm, but it sure was nice to have someone to travel with.  Joseph was such a good traveler!  And it was really nice to be able to spend so much time chatting with Lynsey. 

Lynsey and Joseph were able to stay at our house for almost two weeks!  It was so fun to have them!  We don't get to see them nearly often enough, so a nice long visit like that was wonderful!!!  We did lots of fun things together. 

Ben was even able to join us for a few days!

We went to the Palouse Discovery Science Center and worked our brain muscles.

We went to see the Giant Cedar.  It was really rainy that day, but we did have a break in the rain right when we needed.  We got a little sprinkled on while we were walking around, then about 30 seconds after we got back in the van it started pouring again.

We also went to the WSU creamery to watch how they make cheese, and to eat some really yummy ice cream!

Lynsey took most of these pictures...Thanks, Lyns! 


Joseph and Mary + Seven said...

Those pictures make me homesick!! You are such a fun mom, always doing fun stuff with your kids. You'll have to let me in on your secrets! Love all the pictures!

Lynsey said...

We had so much fun getting to spend all that time with you guys. It was hard to say goodbye and for the first few weeks we were home Joseph kept asking to play with the kids.

nanajohanna said...

It looks like such a fun time; I just wish your Dad and I could have been there too.

Cami said...

That tree looks huge!? Where is it? Is it close by?

~ Cami