Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sleeping Brothers

James and I went out on a date last night and when we got home and checked on all the kiddos, this is what we found.

This morning Stephen said that Noah was sad at bed time, so he brought Noah to his bed and all was well.


Chaney said...

What sweet boys you have! They are adorable.

Lynsey said...

That is so sweet! What a great big brother Stephen is.

nanajohanna said...

Way to go Stephen; I'm glad you took such good care of Noah.

Jocie said...

I'm not at all surprised that Stephen is such a good brother. Besides, who could resist Noah?

Jim said...

That's the kind of thing you expect from kids like yours. It's still very touching, though. It reminds me of when Hyrum was born. We weren't sure Autumn would accept him. She had been the baby for quite a while. I stopped worrying about that when I found one of her favorite stuffed animals in the crib with Hyrum.

Hannah said...

*sigh* when did Stephen get to be so big and kind. What a great young man he is becoming! I am proud to be the aunt of such great kids.

Autumn said...

That is a beautiful thing to see. We always hear so much about the things going on in the world. I often think things are not so bad, and that it's just that the good things are going on in a quieter, less demanding fashion. Things like this quietly remind me that a choice generation is being raised to take the helm and it makes me happy to see it.

Love you Cousins,