Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

This is old news to some, sorry for the delay for the rest of you.

We thought one broken arm was enough for our summer. Guess not, because Ellen broke her arm on the 4th.

She actually broke her wrist. But she's doing great and is like Stephen too because she didn't have to have a cast either. Her bones were all in the right place too so the Dr. said that if she would be careful she would be ok with just a splint. WHEW!!! Hers is a little easier to take on and off for baths, and it is black so no dirt is showing. If we had to have another broken arm, I'm glad it's turning out this way.

This is the only picture I have of both Stephen and Ellen wearing splints. (Stephen was supposed to be using the sling too, but as you can see it mostly just hung on his back.) But now Stephen doesn't have to wear the splint all the time. He's supposed to wear it if he's playing outside, but we've been pretty lax about that. He's been pretty careful though. After the 20th he is a free man. Ellen still has another 3-4 weeks to go.


Mark and Julie Mobley said...

glad to know that stephen and ellen are both doing ok. and by the way Aimee when i said you look like seventeen years old i mean it. i love your haircut! see you guys thursday.

Jim said...

Clearly we need to come up there and check up on all these little munchkins. You'll need to start enforcing the No Rapelling rule at the church cultural hall.

Uncle Jim

Chaney said...

If only Ellen's wrist got hurt from rappelling!

Glad to hear that a regular cast isn't needed!

Autumn said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear that happened to Ellen. :( But yeah, at least no hard cast, so that's better than it could have been, like you said.

What you did not say though was how she broke it in the first place. How'd it happen?

Love you and hope your trip has been very good otherwise!

Lynsey said...

Oh man that is to bad, but I am glad to hear she doesn't need a hard cast. Can't wait to see you guys next week!!!