Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mobley's Jungle....or maybe Small Farm

It says on our sidebar, "We are the Mobley's and we live in a Jungle. At least it feels like we live in a jungle. Our yard was really overgrown when we moved here and we just started referring to it as The Jungle. Since then we've (by we I mean James has) been slowly trying to tame our jungle, and I must say it is starting to look like an actual yard. No matter how nice it gets though, it will always be The Jungle!"

James has been so busy improving our yard that we just might have to start calling it a farm instead of a jungle. Well, probably not. But, thanks to James, our yard is much more productive now and hopefully will be even more so in the years to come.

Last summer James, with some good help from Stephen, built a nice retaining wall at the bottom of our yard so that we now have a flat spot in which to plant a garden! We've already planted our peas! We will also be planting carrots, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, green beans, 1 zucchini plant, and pumpkins. We need some warmer weather first though!

There are two apple trees right next to the garden which are just beginning to blossom. Although we are not very fond of this kind of apple, (we don't even know what kind they are) they do produce enough apples every year that we can make plenty of applesauce. Eventually we will probably plant other apple trees and cut these down, but for now they are nice to have.

Our pear tree is just beginning to blossom as well.

And our cherry trees are in full bloom. Oh, and we have a rasberry patch as well.

And, of course, any small farm just wouldn't be complete without some farm animals, right? We've got that covered. Back in January we bought two rabbits.
This one is the buck. He is a Satin Red.

And here is the doe. She is an American Blue.

Our little farm is already growing. Just over two weeks ago five new rabbits were born. They like to pile up together so it's kind of hard to see, but there really are five rabbits there.

This one got brave enough to leave the bunch for a few seconds.


Lynsey said...

The yard is looking GREAT! I didn't know you guys had gotten rabbits, they sure are cute. Joseph will love seeing them, he has been asking for one for months.

Hannah said...

Yummm, the rabbits look delicious!!

Chaney said...

Are the rabbits pets or for food?

Your yard looks Wonderful!

nanajohanna said...

"Satin Red" sure fits him; how beautiful.