Friday, May 14, 2010

The Puddle

When it rains for more than 30 minutes at our house we always know that there is going to be a big puddle next to our driveway. We've had a very wet and cold spring and that puddle has been there more often than not.

Looking for rocks

to throw.

And for sticks

to dig with.


nanajohanna said...

Looks like they're having a lot of fun, and Noah is getting so big!

Jim said...

I love how much Noah concentrates, all bent over looking for those rocks! He looks like he's out frog gigging!

Rachel and Tyler said...

We had a rainstorm the other day and the street was flooded (about 4 inches of water) for a short time. Andrew and Katherine were enthralled. That is the first time we have seen rain like that since we moved here! I'm glad your kids have puddles to play in...Can't wait to see you at the end of the month!

Cami said...

Isn't it great how kids can take such simple pleasures in little things!

~ Cami