Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fun at the "Play Mall"

The other day Ellen, Naomi, Noah and I went to the "play mall" to play with some friends. The kids call it the "play mall." It is just an indoor playground in the East Side Marketplace which is a funny mix between a shopping mall and an office building. It is set up like a regular mall and has a couple of restaurants, a movie theater, an optometrist's office, an Edward Jones office, a ceramics shop, the DMV, and a few other random things. Odd place that it is, we always have lots of fun there, and it's nice and warm.


Heidi said...

I love those play places in malls! They have one in the Idaho Falls mall. The only bad thing is that Luke totally freaks and throws a major fit when we have to leave. We could be there for like 5 hours and he would still scream when it was time to go. Not that we have ever been there for 5 hours, that would be in sane. Unless of course I went to the mall by myself for 5 hours and had like 1000 dollars to spend. How awesome would that be!?

Hannah said...

I LOVE the picture of Noah on the frog! What a cutie he is!

Jim said...

Your pictures of the kids playing at the mall are great. I especially loved the look on Noah's face as he climbed the frog.

Uncle Jim