Saturday, March 28, 2009

Art and Chocolate

Here are a couple of sidewalk art pictures. The kids were out all afternoon drawing with the chalk yesterday, but most of it was actually done on our neighbors driveway with their kids and I don't have pictures of that. I haven't seen it, but I heard that Stephen even made a hopscotch game that goes to 150 and hopped all the way through it.

Annie left this message for me on the front porch.

A very cute little house.

I don't know what this is, but it's very colorful!

And I made some chocolate chip cookies this afternoon and had to post this picture of Noah. He is a big fan of cookies.


Hannah said...

Oh, Noah is so adorable! I can't wait for Orion to start leaving me messages. What a sweet girl Anne is. Oh, I miss you guys!!

Lynsey said...

Anne is quite the artist. I love the pictures she drew for you and the picture of Noah just makes my heart melt. Love ya and Miss you tons!!!