Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

Happy first day of Spring everyone! Yesterday was one of the first real springy days we have had. And today is just as wonderful. The kids have been playing outside most of the day. Even Noah got to really play outside.


Chaney said...

Yea for spring! We too spent a lot of time outside today and with the windows open. What makes it funny is that we still have snow in front of the house where the sun doesn't hit until late afternoon.

nanajohanna said...

Thanks for the pictures, it's almost like being there. It looks like Ellen is doing well on the bike with Anne's help. Naomi looks good in her lawn chair. Stephen, I like the coonskin cap. And Noah is so good at kicking the ball around.

Jim said...

Noah seems to take his work quite seriously. He also seemed to surprised that anyone was watching him. It's great at that age to be in one's own world.

Uncle Jim

The Rigby Bunch said...

Thank goodness for spring! We have been spending a lot of time outside too. You little kids are so cute and remind me so much of my own! Fun Fun!