Monday, March 9, 2009


I discovered this poem last week while sorting through some papers. Stephen actually wrote it in 2nd grade, but I don't remember seeing it. It's so good, though, that I had to post it. I'll type it just as it is written.

by Stephen Mobley
Down, up down and up goes dragonfly.
Rain is falling, but the dragonfly dodges every drop.
A dragonfly is zooming and it's wings are so bright.
Go, go dragonfly high in the air.
Oh that dragonfly is so colorful.
No, no do not fly there. That is a frog
Fly high over the hill and under the bridge.
Light in the air, you are light as a feather.
Yay! Yay! Go do the dragon fly dance.


Heidi said...

You have a seriously amazingly talented son Aimee, oh and I have a seriously amazingly talented Nephew!! Yay for me!! I am so lucky. No, but really, he is wonderful. I love him so much. You are a wonderful Mother.

Hannah said...


Lynsey said...

I love it! What an amazingly talented boy you have.

Autumn said...

I'm sincerely impressed and light hearted after reading that lovely poem. I know lots of adults whose imagination (to say nothing of their writing skills) cannot hold a torch to Steven's. To me it seems that he saw the entire thing out in his mind and then just chose words to fulfill his mental image. IMPRESSIVE! Can't wait to see what else he'll give us in the future. Thanks for sharing this.


Jocie said...

So, when you publish your works you can add this little nugget in there, too. I'm a little bit jealous of the talent displayed here. But mostly proud!

Anonymous said...

I love the part about avoiding the frog. They do tend to be a little hard on dragonflies.

Uncle Jim