Friday, April 3, 2009

April showers will come so they say, but they don't...

...and it's May.

Well no, it really isn't May. But I keep thinking those words every time I look out the window and see that it is snowing again. This was our backyard yesterday morning.

It was perfect packing snow, and we had no school because of Parent/Teacher Conferences, so the kids had to make a snowman. Anne had to go to the dentist to get sealant on her permanent teeth, so she didn't get to help with the snowman. She did get plenty of time in the snow later though.


Hannah said...

Oh, now I want to go watch that movie! I hope it starts raining there soon. Right now, I am not really convinced that I want to move there if it is still snowing that much in April!!

Humphries said...

Boy that looks awfully similar to our backyard these last few days. I can't wait for spring to really hit. The snowman the kids built is AWESOME!

Jim said...

You can always tell a well brought up girl by the musicals she quotes! And I can never think of that particular film without thinking of Julie Newmar, one of the most deadly beauties ever produced by Hollywood.

Your kids look great. I guess spring is late everywhere. We've been having snow a lot lately in Pocatello, too. Thanks for the comment about the Armells, Aimee. Please say hi to the squids and to James.

Uncle Jim

Autumn said...

Wow. Needed that. Been wishing I lived in Moscow again lately. Maybe just a summer home there then...hee hee hee! But seriously? WOW. I'll try to send you some warm, California sunshine soon...Hold on up there. Great looking snowman in the meantime!!! Brrrrrrrrrrr, Chica!

The Rigby Bunch said...

I know the feeling! Hang in there Spring is bound to get here soon! Think HAPPY THOUGHTS!