Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Day of School

It finally arrived and with mixed emotions. The first day of school is always exciting, and yet it means our summer of freedom and just being together is over. The house is quieter, and there is definitely less fighting going on, but I sure miss Stephen and Anne. It is so exciting to think of all they will be learning and doing, though. And as much as I want them to stay little forever, I do look forward to all the neat things that come as they get older. Anyway ...

Sorry this picture is a little fuzzy. They are cute though aren't they?

Today dawned cloudy and rainy. And I'm very proud to say that we did not drive to school! Stephen rode his bike with Jared and while Ellen and Naomi played at the Dixon's (yes my wonderful neighbors I'm always talking about) I put Noah in the stroller and walked Annie, Caroline, and Miriam to school. The girls got pretty good at walking home from school last year but not always very quickly. There are just too many things to look at and talk about. We really wanted them to be able to walk to school this year so hopefully after walking with an adult for a while they will be able to try it on their own and make it on time.


Humphries said...

What cut kids you have. I loved walking to and from school with friends and I was probally a lot like Annie, getting distracted by everything. Stephen is looking more and more like James. Give them hugs and kisses from us. We love you

nanajohanna said...

Thanks for posting all these things dear, I miss so much, not living closer. Love you, Mom