Friday, August 22, 2008

Growing Up

Just a few random thoughts I've been having that I don't really want to forget, so sorry if they don't make much sense. They're just a bunch of feathers, Chica!

It's almost 8 o'clock and none of the kids are awake yet and I keep debating whether this is ok or not. School starts in 5 days and I keep thinking I should get the kids used to getting up earlier so it won't be such a shock next week. But then I think I don't want to take away the joys of summer! I guess I've already made my decision, I just have to wonder.

Noah's first tooth is coming through. He doesn't seem too bothered by it. It just seems so early to me. I know lots of babies get teeth as early as 4 months old, but all of mine have waited until 11 or 12 months old. Noah is almost nine months, but still. It's early!

Naomi was telling me the other day (complete with actions), "When I a mom I will mix. I will have BIG tights."

Anne got a letter from her new teacher, Miss Trojanowski, a few days ago. She is so excited to go back to school. She is most excited about being able to eat lunch at school and having 3 recesses. Life as a first grader will be great! Annie and Stephen have already made plans to build giant snowmen during recess this winter. They seem to actually get along at school which is very relieving to me.

Stephen seems to be on a growing up fast track or something. Maybe its just that so many things are happening all at once now. He went to his first Den Meeting for Cub Scouts last night and got to use his pocket knife. That was quite exciting. Stephen also discovered a mad lib in a magazine the other day and had a great time with it. Little did he know that he was actually learning grammer and spelling. He will be starting 3rd grade and is all excited to think that he will learn multiplication and cursive.

Ellen loves to cook. I think all little kids love to cook, but Ellen seems to be especially into it. She also looks forward to all the things she'll be able do do when she's a teenager. Things like cracking eggs, stirring hot things on the stove, and being able to use sharp knives to slice cheese, cut up carrots, etc. I have to remember these things so that when she is a teenager I can remind her of all the things she really wanted to do. Maybe she will still really like to cook. I hope so.

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