Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Jets!

A couple of days ago, Annie told me that someone she knows has a crush on someone else. (Not her, just in case you're wondering) For some reason when she said that I immediately though of the Jets song Crush On You. So today I had to get out my Jets cd and play it for the kids. Anne is upstairs right now listening to it for the 3rd time and dancing like crazy. Yes, she is my daughter. Then I had to see what I could find out about them and found this website: http://www.mysistersmusic.com/ so I just thought I'd share it with all of you.

Here is the music video on you tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm_QilrHkh8

1 comment:

nanajohanna said...

Thanks Aimee, that was so neat to see what they are up to. I would have probably thought of the same thing when Anne said that. And yes, she is your daughter. Love you.