Monday, March 30, 2009

Our Much Loved Friend

On Sunday afternoon, Ellen asked me to read one of her favorite stories from the Friend. It is called Escaping from the Hole, and was in the August 2008 issue of the Friend. As soon as I started reading, all the other kids came to listen. (Noah was taking a nap, or he would have been right there as well.) This is how James found us.

You can see that our copy of the Friend has lost its cover and is pretty worn out. They all get to looking like that. The Friend goes to bed with people at night, it goes in the van, it is read and loved pretty much every day. What would we ever do without our Friend?


CK Rock said...

That picture is just darling.

nanajohanna said...

I remember that the Friend was always a little ragged when you and your brothers and sisters were young. Oh, can I have a copy of that picture? It must be framed.

Autumn said...

That picture is the epitome of perfection. What a beautiful mom you are, Aimee. Your family is wonderfu. Your story touched my heart and made me wish to join in your "friend" group so I could hold the kids and hear a good story. I loved this--everything about it.

Cousin Auty

Jim said...

I'm with Autumn, Aimee. That picture is divine. The thing that gets me is that you haven't changed since you were about 16! How do you do that? Every time I walk up to a store's front door these days, I see my grandfather Templin reflected back at me in the glass. An honor, of course, but kind of scary.

I'm not very clever with computers, so if you could just email to me a copy of that photo, I'd be very appreciative. Thanks.

Uncle Jim