Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It Really Is Gone

Sam had to do some work in good ol' Cheyenne, WY a few weeks ago. Since he was in town he thought he would drive past our old home site and see what it looks like now. He very thoughtfully took some pictures with his cell phone and sent them to us. For those of you who never saw our house in Cheyenne here is a picture.

They left the two big trees because eventually there will be a very nice bike path running right along there somewhere. They will completely change the layout of the street so that it will run almost diagonal through what used to be our yard and will have a greenway with a path running beside it. To look at these pictures you never would have known that a house used to be there. I will admit that I got a little teary-eyed for just a minute, but I really am so glad we live here and not there anymore. You can see in the first picture from Sam part of the very large oil refinery that was just behind our house. We really were that close! And can you also see in that same picture some stacks of blue pipes? That was where the house with the meth bust used to be. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, read this post.) Oh yes, I am very glad we don't live there anymore!


Chaney said...

WOW! I've often wondered as we've driven through Cheyenne what it looks like "at your old house". Now I know and won't feel a pull to drive by anymore.

I still wish you lived in Cheyenne! Maybe not in that neighborhood, but at least closer.
We miss you guys!

nanajohanna said...

The last time I stopped to look, it was still there. You're right, you'd never know it was your old place. And yes, I remember some of your old neighbors.

Autumn said...

Yeah, Moscow has got it ALL over Cheyenne. I'm sure you made some great memories there as a family, but I am happy to see you settled somewhere much prettier and safer!

Lynsey said...

WOW! I can't believe it really is gone. I have to admit I am glad you live in a better neighborhood but I also miss you terribly and miss getting up early on Saturday and driving up to spend the day with you guys. We miss you and love you all very much.