Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Visit to City Hall

Stephen has been in Cub Scouts for a while now. Almost a year. But his pack doesn't have den or pack meetings during the summer, so if Stephen is going to earn his Wolf it is all up to us.

One of his requirements is to "visit an important place in your community, such as a historic or government location." So on Monday for Family Home Evening we went to visit City Hall. We didn't have any idea if anyone would be there or if the building would even be open, but we thought at the very least we could walk around outside the building and talk about what goes on inside. Well we got there and the building was open. Hooray! So we looked around on the first floor at some paintings and were just starting to head up the stairs when the Mayor, Nancy Chaney, walked in and said, "Hello." We visited with her for just a minute and explained why we were visiting City Hall. She then invited us up to her office and gave the kids each a City of Moscow pin. As we left her office we realized that a City Council meeting was just about to start and so we stuck our heads in the door long enough for the kids to see the Councilmen and where they sit, and where the general public sits, and all that kind of stuff. As we walked back outside we read a sign about the actual building. It was built in 1910 and first housed the Post Office. The kids had a really good time. Meeting the Mayor was kind of like meeting a celebrity. They were so excited. And now whenever we drive past City Hall, even Naomi calls out, "Look! City Hall!"


Chaney said...

How cool! And to meet the mayor who happens to have an awesome last name :0).

We might have to try that here.

Hannah said...

What a fun idea! And I'm impressed your mayor took the time to take you to her office and talk to you. I bet that made it all the more exciting.

Janie said...

What a neat thing for your family!And what a good mayor to take the time to meet with you. She had to be impressed with your family.

Jules said...

Let me tell you what went on at that city council was certanly an experience that I don't want to repeat anytime soon.