Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's Broken!

Stephen's arm is broken. He was playing tag at the park this afternoon and fell off of a landing on the play equipment that was only 3-4 feet high. It is broken at the very bottom of his humorous bone right above his elbow. The doctor at quick care is sending Stephen to see the orthopedic surgeon next week. We'll find out more then. For now his arm is in a splint and a sling and he's taking ibuprofen for the pain. He is also staying up watching My Three Sons and eating chocolate pudding with James. You can see in the picture he's got a little smirk on his face. With the splint and Advil he's doing pretty good.


Hannah said...

He looks almost proud to have a broken arm!! I hope all goes well and that he doesn't have to have surgery. (Or too much anyway.) Also, hope this doesn't completely ruin his summer.

nanajohanna said...

And I'll bet that My Three Sons and chocolate pudding can help anything. Let us know what the ortho guy says. Love you Stephen!

Jim said...

I was going hand over hand across the top pole of a swing set on the school grounds at Franklin Elementary in about 1958 one day right after it had rained. The leftover water on the pole "decreased the coefficient of friction" as my friend John Cullen would say, and I fell to the ground, landing on my left shoulder and breaking the upper bone of my arm. I was in a sling for weeks and weeks. You have both my empathy and my sympathy, Stephen. We'll try to remember you in our prayers. Of course, just remembering my name is sometimes a challenge, but I think I'm up to it today!

Uncle Jim

Lynsey said...

Well at least he is smiling.:)I hope that the pain isn't to bad for him and that things go well with the ortho doctor. We Love you Stephen!

Rachel and Tyler said...

I know exactly what Stephen is going through (and when I say exactly, I mean exactly!).

I broke my arm in the very same place and in a very similar way about this time of year when I was 7. I was playing at a friends house and fell backward off of a three foot fence and landed in a bush. I was even wearing my jacket, and I still broke my arm!

They had to do surgery to fix it (the elbow had to be pinned back together) and I spent a month with a cast from my fingers all the way to my armpit. After the cast came off I had to wear a sling for several more weeks becsue the pins wer still in and I couldn't move my arm much with them still in. Once the cast came off I had physical therapy twice a week for a month to get the motion back in my arm because of the atrophy (works fine now though!).

Sounds like Stephen has it better than I did though. I don't remember getting to stay up and watch TV and eat pudding!


Autumn said...

His smirk kills me--ha! I bet you're glad he's taking it so well and that you didn't postpone getting those family portraits taken, eh? Stephen's a total trooper and I'm sure he'll come through this fine. Keep us posted though, okay?