Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Slow to Anger

Last night for Family Home Evening we talked about this Mormonad. It was a great way for the kids to visualize an argument and what happens when you argue and get mad. Then we talked about this quote from President Hinckley's talk in Conference last year.

“So many of us make a great fuss of matters of small consequence. We are so easily offended. Happy is the man who can brush aside the offending remarks of another and go on his way. Grudges, if left to fester, can become serious maladies. Like a painful ailment they can absorb all of our time and attention. . . I plead with you to control your tempers, to put a smile upon your faces, which will erase anger; speak out with words of love and peace, appreciation, and respect. If you will do this, your lives will be without regret. Your marriages and family relationships will be preserved. You will be much happier. You will do greater good. You will feel a sense of peace that will be wonderful.”


Humphries said...

What a great FHE. I don't think you can ever hear that lesson to many times. What a cool ad I don't think i've ever seen that one before. We miss and Love you all.

Autumn said...

That is really neat, Aimee. I especially like that the girl is holding both "reaction options" in her hands. How true is that? Agency is ever present, and what will we do with the choice presented us?

Thank you for a good reminder!