Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This is Me

I am a wife to a super husband and a mother to five incredible children.

I am a child of God.

I’m almost 30 and I am really looking forward to it.

I try, and I try and I try. I am not perfect. I learn, and I forget, and I learn some more.

I’m really, really good at putting things off. Well, things that I don’t want to do, things that don’t sound so fun, things I am scared of.

I am a morning person. I love to see the sun rise. I love the peace, the calm, and the quiet. I love the time to put my thoughts together, compose myself, take a great big breath, and then wake everyone else up.

I love to walk.

I make pizza. A lot.

I love Primary and Primary Songs.

I wouldn’t say that green is my favorite color, but whenever I am shopping for myself I am always attracted to green clothing.

I come from wonderful family and heritage. My family means more to me than I can say.

I enjoy watching old movies.

I am afraid of water.

I think babies are just about the most amazing things on this planet.

I love simplicity.

When I grow up I want to be a Temple worker. One of those beautiful ladies in white who is always smiling, helping, kind, and full of love.


nanajohanna said...

If I was to say that you are a lot like me, I would sound like I'm bragging. So maybe I am. But I would like to be like you someday. I love you so much, and I miss you, but I have a good idea what you are doing each day (because I used to do the same), and that helps me not miss you quite so much.

Montserrat said...

Aimee, thanks so much for participating! The pics of your children on the sidebar are so darling.

I can't believe how many things we have in common. I LOVE mornings when every thing seems to have a fresh start. And I'd love to work in the temple someday too.

DesertHen said...

What a beautifully written post. Your family is just precious...=)

Mrs. O said...

We sound a lot alike, except for that morning person bit. You make it sound so beautiful.

Janie said...

I love you so much Aimee!

The Prestwich's said...

Hey Woman,
Cute blog! Love the pics of your kids
Kristine Prestwich
check me out @