Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I am so excited to write about giving! What a happy topic. I have been so blessed by so many people. I’m not really sure where to start. My Mom is the first person that comes to mind. When I was in high school, I came home one day, tired and dreading my homework, and went into my room to find my bed made and my room straightened. Two things that I hardly ever did as a kid. There was a note on my pillow from my Mom, saying how proud she was of me. That changed my whole day, and my whole week!

When I went away to college I moved in with my grandparents on my Dad’s side. My Mom’s parents just lived half a mile down the road, so I got to see plenty of them as well. I feel a little guilty now that I look back on that time. My grandparents and a couple of aunts and uncles did so much to take care of me, and I am afraid that I did not act very grateful at the time. I see now that I would have had a really difficult time without all of them. In fact I was probably a little spoiled. My grandma even packed a lunch for me every day so that I wouldn’t have to spend money on lunch! My grandparents and aunts and uncles gave to me in very big ways: feeding me, housing me, letting me borrow a vehicle if mine wasn’t running, fixing my car when it wasn’t running, driving me from Rexburg to Salt Lake so that I could fly home for Christmas, letting me cry on their shoulder when I needed to.

Other people outside of my family have given to me in big ways too. Almost exactly a year ago I was very pregnant with my 5th baby. Two wonderful ladies from church, my visiting teachers, took great care of me. They watched my kids while I went to appointments, they cleaned my house, they fed us when the baby was born, and watched my kids some more so that I could get a little sleep. When I was a week away from my due date, I was on my way to the hospital to get some of the paperwork out of the way early. My two youngest girls were with me. We got into a little car accident, and thankfully everyone was just fine, but our van was not drivable. Just as a police officer was asking me if there was anyone I could call to come get me, up walked a dear sister from church. She happened to drive by and see me, and also happened to have two extra car seats in her vehicle. She waited there with me till everything was taken care of, and then took us all home. I’m sure she had other things to do that day, but she put them off so that she could help me.

Some people give to me in other ways, and those experiences are very precious to me too. Grocery shopping with little children can be a little unnerving and stressful at times. Every now and then, though, a complete stranger will say to me, “Oh, you have such a beautiful family!” Somehow that comment makes shopping a little easier. Another day I went shopping at Winco with all 5 of my kids, ages 7 and under at the time. I really like Winco except that you have to bag your own groceries. So on this particular day I was trying so hard to get the groceries bagged and put in the cart and keep everyone else happy at the same time. It was not going well. The baby was crying, and everyone else was either fighting with someone or trying to run away. Just then two teenage girls who were with their parents in the next line over came over and began bagging groceries. They didn’t ask if I needed help, they just did it. They got everything in the cart and then pushed it out to the parking lot and put everything in the van for me. I was cheered up, and my cheerfulness spread to the kids. The rest of our day went quite well, but I’m not sure it would have without the help of those two girls.

I could go on and on about the many ways people have given to me. There are way too many to name or count. I was grateful for them when they happened, and I am grateful for them now but for a slightly different reason. This morning as I was walking home from dropping kids off at school, it started to rain pretty hard. I was not prepared for this. But I had been thinking about this post and all the ways I have been blessed by others, and I was so happy. I was soaking wet and still had half a mile to walk, but I was so thankful that I could not be grumpy about the rain. (Noah was covered and dry. Somehow I was prepared to keep him dry.) What I’m saying is that all those people who have given to me are really still giving to me. Just thinking of them makes me happy. Those people and the memories I have remind me that most of all my Heavenly Father loves me. As President Spencer W. Kimball said, “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other in the kingdom.” I just saw that I am using the same quote as Cocoa, but that's ok. It's worth reading a time or two or more.


Montserrat said...

How wonderful to have teenagers come up and start helping without being asked! And I love that they just helped without asking you first.

Chaney said...

Aimee, your post made me cry. Not in a bad way, but I've been there when I needed help and some stranger came up and helped. Thanks for your post. It's a great reminder of the help I've recieved, and a reminder of the person I need to be.

Humphries said...

What a wonderful post. Tonight at our book club we were discussing a sister in our ward who needs lots of help and i'm usually the only one she calls on. I was feeling a bit grumpy and started to complain. What a nice reminder you have given me of what a wonderful opportunity we have to serve others.

Jim said...

I'm starting to feel like a big jerk. I don't think I ever did a thing for you, Aimee. But I always loved you. Someone said, "The grateful heart sits at a continual feast." Bon appetit!

Uncle Jim

Matt and Melinda Bailey said...

Amy, I love to see your wonderful family and read the amazing things you write. You always have inspired me to be a better mother and wife. I love your family so much!