Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The New Sheriff

Just in case anybody reading this hasn't heard yet...

Last night my Dad, Len Humphries Jr., was elected Sheriff of Fremont County! We are all so excited around here. It was quite an election, (including a pretty tough write-in campain by the current Sheriff) but Dad came out on top. There was a little confusion at our house as to what Grandpa was really running for. Anne asked a couple of weeks ago, "Is Grandpa the President yet?" Ellen asked the same question yesterday.

Many congratulations to you, Dad! We are so proud of you!


Autumn said...

Congratulations Uncle Len!!! You deserved to win and you have all our love and support. You will be such a blessing to the people of Fremont County.


Chaney said...

That's so exciting! I bet he's excited.

Jim said...

Actually, I would much rather have seen Len in the White House than Mr. Obama, but he'll be happier as sheriff.

Uncle Jim