Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Noah

I can't believe it has come, but today is Noah's first birthday! What a joyful year it has been, and what a blessing he is to all of us.
In honor of his 12 months of life here are 12 things we love about Noah:
1. He smiles at everyone, even if it is a shy smile sometimes.
2. He loves to play catch.
3. He laughs when I pour water on his head in the bathtub.
4. He is a snuggler.
5. He is our earliest walker at 11 months old.
6. He loves playing with the girls in their playhouse.
7. No matter what is in his crib when I put him to bed at night, Noah will dump everything onto the floor before he goes to sleep.
8. He waves his arm around when he hears music. He's already learning how to direct music.
9. He gives great kisses.
10. He eats everything.
11. He loves to climb on Daddy or Stephen or anybody else he finds lying on the floor.
12. Whenever someone comes into the room, Noah will say "mon" (c'mon) and gesture for them to come to him.


MaryAnne said...

My son walked at 11 months too, guess they have a couple things in common. Those 12 days were the longest in my life, but so worth it for the cute baby at the end.

I love Irving Berlin's Count Your Blessings!

nanajohanna said...

I enjoy your blog so much because it helps me know the kids better. I get to see them so seldom that I feel like I miss out on a lot, but this really helps. I hope Noah has a great party tonight. Love you, Mom

nanajohanna said...

And to MaryAnne, I love that song too. Bing and Rosemary do such a great job with it. Irving Berlin was amazing huh?!

Humphries said...

Happy Birthday Noah! Hope that he has a wonderful party tonight. Wish that we could be there to celebrate with you. Love Ya

Jim said...

You guys make beautiful kids. I'm proud just to know you, and to think that I'm actually related to you is a sweet and glorious thought.

Uncle Jim

Rachel and Tyler said...

Annie and Ellen we a little disappointed, I think, to miss Noah's birthday party. When I stopped at Mom's to pick up Katherine they both asked me if Katherine couldn't stay and have cake for Noah's birthday. Maybe Grandma Staples helped them celebrate...

Chaney said...

For family home evening we made "cards" for Noah for his birthday. Did the girls give you those?

I can't believe it's already been a year!

Jocie said...

You are NOT supposed to let them grow up any more. At least not until we've seen them again. Can't believe he's a year already. What a sweetheart.

Autumn said...

Happy birthday hugs to little Noah! I agree with Jocie--You are not supposed to let them keep growing, Cousin!! :)