Monday, December 8, 2008

Noah Discovers Chocolate Cake

Our computer is FINALLY all fixed! HOORAY!!! The nasty virus is gone! I really missed being able to use the computer. I couldn't check blogs (or post on my own!) I couldn't check my email, I couldn't look up phone numbers! But I realized that life does go on without a computer. And it's all good! (wow, I just used a bunch of exclamation points!)

So I'm finally posting pictures of Noah's birthday. We had a small celebration the night of his birthday and had a good time. I made a hot chocolate cake and we all enjoyed it. Noah really liked it too.

He started out taking little bites, but quickly decided he could do a little better than that.

And you might have noticed that Noah is sitting on my lap and not in a high chair. He decided that high chairs make better ladders than chairs. As soon as I put him in it, he stands right up and trys to climb out onto whatever is closest: another chair, the table, the counter! So the high chair has been moved out to the garage. Silly boy!


Janie said...

We've missed you! So glad you're up and running again.

How handsome is little Noah? I love that boy!

Heidi said...

I am also glad to hear you are up an running again. I can't believe Noah can climb out of his high chair. What a monkey! A cute monkey mind you. I miss you guys so much Aimee! Love you!

nanajohanna said...

I'm so glad you're back on line, I've missed you. And it's good to finally see pics of Noah's birthday.

Humphries said...

Welcome back we have missed you. You have quite the cute little monkey on your hands. What a cutie he is eating his cake, I just love him so much. We miss and love you all.

Jocie said...

Girl, I missed you, your kids, and your blog. I've also missed that chocolate cake, now I'll have to make some! Love you all!

Autumn said...

Oh so that's where you went. I guess I should have known it. Yay for you being back. Happy belated birthday to the Noah Baby. Pass the cake, will you? Mmmmm!

Jim said...

Noah, you have now discovered one of the two or three most important things you'll ever discover. Next comes cheese cake and finally girls. But there's really no rush on any of that. Go ahead. Relax. Be a kid for a while. You'll be glad you did. When you start using utensils to eat, it's all downhill after that. Before you know it, you've been civilized and it's forever too late.

Uncle Jim