Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just Stuff

The other day James walked into the livingroom where I was vacuuming and Noah was crying. James thought that Noah was afraid of the vacuum and laughed when I told him that Noah was really upset because I wouldn't give him the vacuum. So James went and got our smaller vacuum and gave it to Noah who immediately quit crying and just vacuumed contentedly.

This was on Sunday morning as we were getting ready for church. The boys were just so handsome I had to take a picture.

And I finished my puzzle. Almost 2 weeks ago now. Since I didn't have to put it away as soon as I finished it, I left it there for a while to admire. It was a lot of fun.


nanajohanna said...

You were like Noah when you were little. If I didn't let you stand on a chair next to me so you could help with the dishes, it was not acceptable. Stephen and Noah look wonderful! And I'm so glad you did a Wysocki, you know they're my favorite.

Humphries said...

What a handsome helper you have. Joseph likes to help me with the laundry, but when it comes to vaccuming he always tells me I need to clean it up (Silly Boy). The picture of Stephen and Noah is so sweet, and congrats on finishing your puzzle it looks great.

Chaney said...

Everytime I vaccume Phillip literally runs and gets his vaccume and vaccumes wherever I am. And, his vaccume can't be on unless mine is and he will cry until I start vaccuming. Too bad this love of cleaning doesn't last forever!!

Momza said...

First, I am totally jealous of your puzzle. I love putting them together. And when I am old, I want a table that I can keep an unfinished puzzle out just for me to enjoy.
Second, thanks for your comment on my blog yesterday. I hope you come back.
Oh and 3rd...you have a beautiful familY!