Monday, January 5, 2009

Snow Day #1, 2009

Today was supposed to be the kids first day back to school after the Christmas break. But last night it started snowing and blowing. We got about 10 more inches of snow and our first snow day of the year! Here is what we did today:

legos and then a game of war

good ol' laundry and some mega blocks

Noah was his usual chipper self.

James was tinkering with circuits and programs while recovering from strep throat.

I've made some progress on my puzzle, and did a little bit more today.

The boys played. (oh how long Stephen has waited for this!)

And then of course, we played in the snow!

Ellen is constantly eating snow.

Hopefully our mailbox won't get buried!

This is the mountain of snow at the corner of the triangle closest to our house. Since it is a triangle, there are two other such mountains, plus ridges of snow along the sides of the triangle. In the middle is the beautiful Secret Snow Garden, not visible from the outside. The kids love it! Oh, and yes it was foggy. As soon as it stopped snowing today, the fog rolled in and stayed till after dark.

Naomi is still too little to make the trek up and over the great mountain of snow, but she quite enjoys the little hills right outside our front door.


Heidi said...

That sounds like a snow day well spent. I am sorry to hear that James has strep throat. I hope he feels better soon. I love you all. Don't get buried up there.

Hannah said...

I am overjoyed that it was you guys that got the snow and not us!! Yea for snow days with the whole family home!

Humphries said...

That sounds like wondeful snow day fun. I hope James gets to feeling better soon. I love all the pics, and hope everyone is doing well. Try not to get lost in all that white stuff up there. We miss you and love you lots.

Mark and Julie Mobley said...

what a fun snowy day, thanks for the christmas gifts, we hope that james feel better soon.we love you.

Jim said...

That was one of the things I most enjoyed in the Moscow area: the deep snow and occasional fog. The extreme cold of southeast Idaho didn't occur up there and we didn't miss it one bit! But it was a pretty winter every year.

Get well, James! There are coyotes out there just waiting to be called in and ventilated.

How wonderful would it be to be one of Aimee's kids? Wow! Not only does she know just what to do, but she documents it, too, so that you can always know what you did, when you did it, and how you felt about it. This will be a precious record.