Thursday, January 29, 2009


Annie lost a tooth last night, after wiggling it most of the afternoon. She was so excited she had me take a picture. Unfortunately the tooth fairy somehow forgot! Boy did that tooth fairy feel rotten in the morning. We're all counting on things going a little better tonight.


Jocie said...

Maybe the tooth fairy could leave something extra as interest. Annie, you're sure cute with a big hole in your mouth!

Chaney said...

The tooth fairy almost forgot KatieJo's last tooth, but thankfully the tooth fairy's good friend reminded her and so she managed to get the money under the pillow about 20 minutes before KatieJo woke up.

Annie is just plain adorable!

Jim said...

I have almost as much desire to squeeze you kids as my own grandchildren. Tell Annie that she's perfect, just like her mom and her aunts.


Uncle Jim

Heidi said...

Wow, that is so hilarious! I sure hope that tooth fairy makes to you room tonight Anne. I can't believe you are losing teeth. You are getting to be such a big girl. I still remember so well when you were just a tiny new born baby. I love you Anne.

Autumn said...

Hey,hey,hey! Growing right up over there, Miss Annie. Congrats on that new hole in your little mouth. :)

Janie said...

I think the tooth fairy may have had too much to do over here in Southeast Idaho. Two of my co-workers children lost their teeth on the same day as Anne. So I'm sure it was just overwork, not forgetfulness. Congrats, Annie! You're becoming such a big girl. Sure do miss you!