Thursday, December 11, 2008


This is where Anne has been spending just about every possible moment she has had in the last week. She is really loving playing the piano, even though I haven't given her as many piano lessons as she would like to have. On Sunday (before church) she made up a little tune and has played it almost constantly since then. We keep reminding her that she can play other things as well. So she started playing variations on her little theme. She always has the same basic notes, but will play lots of different rhythms and syncopations and whatever she can think of.

Also Anne was chosen to be Star of the Week in her class this week. Yesterday I sent her with 10 pictures of herself for her teacher to put up on the Star of the Week bulletin board. On Friday the kids in her class will give her letters they've written telling her what they like about her. And I get to come to class and read a letter to her from James and I. She has been so excited for Friday to come. I'm excited too. It's been a lot of fun thinking about what to put in a special letter to her. Things like playing the piano so well, being so willing to help and listen quickly, being so compassionate, and setting such a great example to her brothers and sisters and parents. On Sunday she leaned over to James and asked if she could go bear her testimony. James nodded and up she went. She said she knows the Church is true and that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. What else do you need to know? Oh, how thankful we are for Annie!


Hannah said...

Ohh I miss you guys!!!

Autumn said...

What a special thing to do for kids. I truly am inspired by this--and also by the beautiful spirit housed within your little Anne. She impresses me more all the time. Please tell her for me? Love, Autumn

LoraBelieves said...

I don't know if you'd be interested, but as I started playing with composition 2 or 3 years ago and found a great program for writing music. It was free, but I just checked their website and now it costs $9.95 to download. It's a great program. My kids all enjoy writing their own songs on it once in a while. I upgraded a year or so ago because I wanted more features for my music, but for beginners it has everything you need, and you can use a variety of instruments as well. Anyway, here's the link if you're interested:

Humphries said...

Way to go Anne! She is special and amzing in so many ways just like her mother. We miss you and love you guys oh so very much.

Jim said...

Little Anne seems to be as good as she looks. I hope her life continues in this vein, always balanced between the physical talents and the aesthetic/piritual talents. What a beautiful child she is.

Uncle Jim

Heidi said...

Anne, you have been beautiful since you were born, but it is obviously not just skin deep. You are beautiful inside and out. I love you so much and am so proud of you. I hope you continue to practice the piano. I wish I had. I took piano lessons from you Grandma Mobley.