Friday, December 12, 2008

On the subject of Anne ...

This is Anne just after she turned 3. My mom was visiting and we were out doing a little shopping. Anne had dressed herself that day, which was pretty normal, and her dress is on backwards in this picture. No matter what anybody said she wasn't going to turn it around. But she is just so cute! I never would have said that Annie had cute chubby baby cheeks, but when I look back at pictures I see that she did.


Jim said...

Yes, and it's entirely appropriate that she should have such cheeks at that age. She was perfect then. She is perfect now. Just like all those Humphries girls.

Uncle Jim

Sariah Hartley said...

All your kids are so cute!

Janie said...

What a sweet face! I love your kids sooooo much!

Heidi said...

I miss Anne being that little. She was sooooo adorable!! Not that she isn't now. She is such a beautiful young lady now. How sad, but happy at the same time. I love your family Aimee. You are all wonderful.

Autumn said...

I love her stuborness about turning the dress around. She reminds me so much of your Grandmother Fern in her looks and personality: Pretty and petite and sweet as can be.